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Our inspiration? We think we had no choice

Our inspiration? We think we had no choice

Written By Shopify API

August 26, 2018

Our inspiration? We think we had no choice

Our inspiration? We think we had no choice
And god created woman
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Give us a chance to show you a new POV and learn about the purpose of our “And God created Woman” collection inspiration. On the surface, it may seem trivial or too obvious, but the idea at its core is simple and speaks our faith and things that have to be said and, done. And we think we did something good along the road. Will you agree?

Genesis 2:20-23
(20) And the man gave names to all the cattle and to the birds of the sky and to all the wild beasts; but for Adam no fitting helper was found. (21) So the LORD God cast a deep sleep upon the man; and, while he slept, He took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh at that spot. (22) And the LORD God fashioned the rib that He had taken from the man into a woman; and He brought her to the man. (23) Then the man said, “This one at last Is bone of my bones And flesh of my flesh. This one shall be called Woman, For from man was she taken.”

August 2018
Reading this today, it feels as if the woman did not even “earn her existence” of her own purpose or being and was only created in what feels like a “second thought” or somewhat of an “afterthought” or simply to entertain man. Even when God believed that one should find a “helping hand,” even then his thought was not directed at the woman, but at some sort of “helper” who would remove the person from his loneliness (only when the attempt to find suitable help for man among the animals failed did the woman be created).

So, the purpose of man’s creation is predetermined and quite clear: He was created in order to sustain the habitation of the world. “On the day that God made the earth and the heavens” the world was incomplete because he did not cultivate the land. Man is the worker, who in his work of the land he brings creation to its completion. The woman’s purpose, though, was never clear. It was maybe implied. From the outset she was never needed and her creation comes only for the sake of man’s needs. Obviously this course of events may present not only the essence of a woman but also the purpose of her existence. But is it, in fact, so shallow and some even might say degrading?

We’d like to tell you how we see it.

First and foremost, a woman’s purpose can never be defined, We mean, even god proved it, he couldn’t point a finger at what man or the world needs, because it’s not materialistic. It can be called in many names but the fact is that working the land and filling the universe, alongside some gorgeous animals and flora, is simply not enough. Secondly, the world needs help, enters: the woman. Why is “help” such a bad word? When did it become so degrading to help? Would you not rather help god to COMPLETE THE CREATION OF THE WORLD? Would you not wish to have the X factor? Or be the missing ingredient that makes ordinary food called dinner? Although we do think it could have been written better, we think our place is safe at the top. Finally, of course man couldn’t stay on his on, it’s boring without a woman! You need some drama, you need a friend, some good spirit and Rosé nights out. God, you need a guiding spiritual essence in order to complete the materialistic being of man. And this, our friends, can only be done by heart. Also, that rib part is kind of intimate, don’t you think?

A vision is all you need. To begin with.

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